Treatment is not just a visit to a medical center or subsequent hospitalization. Treatment is prevention, treatment is a continuation, and remote monitoring is the connection. In these directions, MedicFrame's developments play the most important role. Proper data structuring and adequately collected information.
Realizing the capabilities of MedicFrame tools for remote support and connection to laboratory analyzers, we created a model for integrations of various IoT devices from everyday life - smart bracelets, smartwatches, glucometers, blood pressure monitors. In general - everything with an integration option supported with the possibility of video communication between doctor and patient. The purpose - prevention, diagnosis, follow-up monitoring, treatment, emergency care, predictive tests.
MedicFrame summarizes the health and medical information of its users from anywhere and from everything. The goal - a detailed and complete health picture of the patient - what was before, what happened after, to make treatment decisions based on this information.
The ability to accumulate information from various external sources, such as other hospital systems, pre-hospital care systems, or simply applications in a single environment, gives the tool for the overall vision of the doctor to take into account even the smallest of details Even those that exist in databases other than electronic files.
We at MedicFrame believe that to make the right decision about the condition of any patient, the person involved medically, must be aware of previous therapies, manipulations, diagnostics, treatments, as well as information from daily activities and way of life. This information is there. In most cases only on paper and usually неизползваема. Следователно ниска или почти никаква реална информираност. MedicFrame creates the opportunity for information to be digitized and accessible whenever needed, in a proper and convenient format.
MedicFrame allows the centralization of all data from any "smart" device to accumulate directly in its file and be visible and accessible at the time of their generation.
Pandemics. Chronic illnesses. People with mental and physical disabilities with difficult mobility.MedicFrame lifts the restrictions on these people who do not receive adequate and timely care. With the help of modern technologies, patients can be monitored with real and current indicators by their doctors. They can also be reassured that their relatives are aware of their condition and are ready to react.
Remote monitoring is called Telemedicine. In practice, this is a video call with the possibility of analyzing medical history. At a place where it remains invisible to stakeholders.MedicFrame turned remote monitoring into a real review and consultation. The medical history is taken put into a file, an outpatient list according to the National Framework Agreement is issued. The patient can sign and have the activity paid for by the National Health Insurance Fund.
We can now afford to monitor our level of blood sugar or our loved ones in real-time through the health file. This information can be seen by our doctor instantly, with these parameters. It's important to always have the epicrisis from our last treatment, in case, we have to visit a different medical institution than the last one.
In an age of innovation and development of increasingly innovative medical and fitness devices on the Internet of Things, Big Data remains locally on mobile devices for consumers. So far, this information hasn't been used according to its purpose and development of life.